20-21 November 2019, Alana Hotel Solo
The International Conference on Magnetism and Its Applications (ICMIA 2019)
Solo, Indonesia, 20-21 November 2019
by Indonesian Magnetics Society (IMS).
The conference is a continuation of a magnetic material seminar that has been going on since 2000. ICMIA is aimed to communicate and share a research progress which is related to magnetic phenomena, magnetics material, science and technology, and collaboration among researcher and industries in magnetism and its applications. Spesific emphasis is placed on promoting the fundamental theoretical and experimental achievement on magnetism and related system. We are pleased to invite you to submit your manuscript for presentation. The presented and selected papers at ICMIA 2019 will be appear in Key Engineering Materials, which is published by Trans Tech Publication and indexed by SCOPUS.
Important Dates
• Deadline for abstract submission: 20 August 2019 3 September 2019
• Announcement of extended abstract acceptance: 10 September 2019
• Deadline for paper submission: 9 October 2019
• Announcement of paper acceptance: 15 October 2019
• Deadline for early bird payment: 15 October 2019
• Deadline for final payment: 25 October 2019
• Conference: 20-21 November 2019
Keynote Speaker
Prof. Takehito Nakano,
Ibaraki Univerisity
Prof. Ariando,
National University Singapore
Dr. Isao Watanabe,
RIKEN Nishina Center
Dr. Suko Trisnanto,
Yokohama National University
Dr. Agung Nugroho,
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Prof. Te-Ho Wu *
National Yunlin University of Science and Technology Taiwan
* in confirmed